Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. So here's a re-cap.
Jeric was able to come and spend two weeks with us for Christmas and New Years, that alone was a wonderful present. The kids had a blast having daddy home and rarely left his side. He is back at work, which stinks, but oh well. My parents took the kids and I up to McCall for a few days. It was nice to relax and the kids had so much fun swimming and playing in the snow. We had a wonderful holiday season and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have helped out. I was truly blown away by the generosity and service of others this season. Thank you!

Playing in the snow is FUN!

I am glad you all got to spend some time with daddy! All that snow looks chilly! It is already warming up here in AZ- not that it really ever cooled off all that much!
Yeah for some fun time with Daddy! Looks like you had a great little getaway with your parents too. It's nice to have grandma and grandpa close by!
I have been thinking about you and hoping life isn't all that hirrible for you with Jeric away. At least he gets to come home every once and awhile.....and thank goodness for parents close by to watch and take care of you while he's gone!
I hope your situation changes soon!
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