Monday, December 22, 2008

White trash sleding

The boys were so excited to play in the snow and even more excited that daddy was home to play in it with them. We forgot to buy a sled again this year and didn't feel like going to the store so... that would be a garbage can lid and our lawn mower. The boys had a blast and it was pretty funny to see our little get-up.

My little monkey

Jaxson is a cutie pie but he is ALWAYS into everything! He keeps it interesting and we love him!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I really have nothing to post. Jeric has been out of town a lot still so I really don't have the time, or unfortunately the patience, to get my camera out and take pictures. But I was really tired of seeing that "tagged" entry. So enjoy the picture of Tyce in his chicken riding cowboy costume from Halloween. :-)