Monday, December 22, 2008

White trash sleding

The boys were so excited to play in the snow and even more excited that daddy was home to play in it with them. We forgot to buy a sled again this year and didn't feel like going to the store so... that would be a garbage can lid and our lawn mower. The boys had a blast and it was pretty funny to see our little get-up.

My little monkey

Jaxson is a cutie pie but he is ALWAYS into everything! He keeps it interesting and we love him!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I really have nothing to post. Jeric has been out of town a lot still so I really don't have the time, or unfortunately the patience, to get my camera out and take pictures. But I was really tired of seeing that "tagged" entry. So enjoy the picture of Tyce in his chicken riding cowboy costume from Halloween. :-)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I was tagged by Candice so here it goes. List 5 fears, 5 joys, 5 obsessions/collections, 5 surprising facts about you. Tag 5 people. So Easy. 5 Fears * the safety of my family * big spiders * small spaces * sharks * being a bad mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend... 5 Joys * Chase * Tyce * Jaxson * Jeric * Health 5 Obsessions/collections * having socks on while I sleep * Fondue (especially cheese) * my family, can't get enough of them :-) * smells, I have a really sensitive nose * I really don't collect anything, unless you count dirty diapers 5 surprising things about me * I basically slept through high school. I had a virus that made me very tired and I couldn't get my heart rate over a certain number or I could hurt my heart. This was difficult since I played basketball. I was told I shouldn't play anymore. Thanks to the blessings and promises of the Word of Wisdom I continued to play with no damage to my heart. It's amazing what can happen with a little bit of faith in what we've been taught. * I've never broken a bone where I needed a cast or needed any type of surgery. * I took two years of Judo in college and once took Jeric down * My labors are really fast, usually one hour from start to finish * My big sister use to hide at the end of my bed then wake me up by throwing shoes at me, she then would scare the crap out of me. To this day, if Jeric isn't home, I look under my bed just in case before I go to sleep. :-) I tag Michelle B, Jenny L., Cyndi F, Tonya H, Terriebeth S. :-)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lincoln City

I haven't posted for awhile. Jeric has been out of town a lot for work so I've been really busy taking care of everything here by myself. We did get to go to Lincoln City for a little vacation, which was SO nice. My parents rented a beach house and we all had a blast! We went to the lighthouse, crabbing, and the aquarium. Jeric getting ready to throw the crab ring out to catch our dinner!! they can be mean suckers but we got our revenge later that night when we ate them! :-)
Maddie with one of our kills, isn't she cute :-)
Cousins and the best of buds!
I have a ton of pictures so if I get time I will do a slide show. It was so nice to be at the ocean with such good company. Thanks for a great vacation Mom and Dad :-)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


With Jeric gone I've been REALLY bored!! So my mom was nice enough to come over and hang out with me this afternoon. I've been wanting to try to decorate a cake that I saw in a picture and with my mom's help we were able to pull it off. We just tried a small one for now, but next time I think I will try the large one. My camera took really bad pictures, sorry, but you get the idea. Just a basket full of apples, I thought it was way cool! All of it is edible, which I will be doing shortly :-) It's made out of fondant and cake! When Jeric gets back I will have to have a dinner party so I can make a big one, maybe a square basket?? It's hard to see the detail in the pictures so definitely a dinner party...anyone interested?

NEVER send a man to the store!!

So before Jeric left for Colorado again I asked him to run to the store for me. We have been trying to potty train Tyce and with all of our running I've used the help of pull-ups. (which would be the reason he is not all the way potty trained yet, but oh well) Anyway Jeric goes to the store. buys the pull-ups for me and then heads off to Colorado. The next day when I go to use the pull-ups for Church, this is what I see Look closely...what is wrong with this picture. That's right, my poor son is wearing princess pull-ups!! Jeric had grabbed the wrong box and I of course have no time to return the darn things. Sorry Tyce :-( Jeric's response is that "Tyce is man enough to wear them" :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Road Trip

Jeric was a sweetheart and planned a cute date for us today. We got up and headed to my parents house where my Mom and Dad took the kids for the morning and we went on a trip with my Dad's bike! It wasn't a long trip, only to Idaho City for breakfast, but it was nice to do something different. We ate at a small cafe', the food was actually really good, and then headed back to Boise. It was a very nice morning. The weather was great and it was a lot of fun!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Baby Turns 1

I can't believe Jaxson is already 1!!!! He is such a sweet guy and we are so blessed to have him in our family. (Guess Heavenly Father knew what He was doing when He sent him to our family, even if it was when Tyce was only 3months old!!!) Happy Birthday Jaxson, we love you !!!
My little man loves his balloons!!
He got it!!
The boys and Ellie wouldn't leave him alone for a second, of course Ellie is the one that gets smacked since she is the only one that will take it :-)
I love this picture but I don't know why. Maybe cause he's looking at me like that and not the cake?


We finally did something as a family this summer, since Jeric has been in Colorado for so long that doesn't happen much! It was a really quick trip to Lagoon with my sister and her family. The kids had a BLAST. Of course I realized after I never got a good picture with everyone in it. Jaxson is with us, I just forgot to take a picture of him :-) (I told everyone to be patient, I will get this picture thing eventually) Chase and Gage are inseparable and so is Baylee and Tyce, good thing we went with the cousins!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Attempting the blog

I love looking at everyone's blog so I am trying to get into this blogging world mentality. Be patient with me, until I get a better camera and can get some better pictures taken.
Chase and Tyce before Church
Jaxson enjoying his oreo!!